Home / UnForm.Cloud


UnForm.Cloud is a hosted service provided by Synergetic Data Systems, the publisher of UnForm and CirrusPrint. Customers choose the UnForm modules desired, starting with the base service that include document production, emailing, scripting, and the Design Tool module. Archiving, Image Manager, and DocFlow modules can be added to provide a complete document management service.

Each customer receives a private compute instance on which their UnForm runs. Instances reside behind a NAT firewall and are only accessible through secure proxy machines managed by SDSI. Security is ensured through HTTPS, public key authentication, and strong passwords. Customer administrators or their partner can manage the machine and UnForm service though a private web portal, or access the machine through SSH-based applications.

UnForm.Cloud includes CirrusPrint for both printing and bi-directional file transport. For example:

  • Print output from UnForm is sent securely and quickly to printers at premise locations
  • Documents scanned to premise file systems are sent to UnForm inbound sources for processing
  • Email documents directly to UnForm for processing, without IMAP configuration headaches and overhead
  • Email documents directly to premise printers
  • Deliver XML or EDI files from Image Manager or DocFlow modules to premise folders for ERP integation

UnForm.Cloud includes the AI OCR service to provide the highest possible accuracy for scanned images handled by the Image Manager module.

There are no user count restrictions on any of the modules. Instead, the customer chooses the computer resources, particularly CPU cores and disk space, to support their usage of the various UnForm modules. Small customers will be happy with Tier 1 performance, while large customers can increase performance by choosing a larger machine.

See the attached data sheet for more information.