Main Window

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All archive browsing activity works within a main window.  As options are selected, windows open in the browser workspace to perform selected tasks.  Most tasks are remembered across logins, so when a user logs in, previously opened windows are restored.


The menu bar organizes the available features under several top level options:



One provides quick selection and viewing of a single document.

Browse provides indexed navigation, keyword searching, and category browsing in a library.

Search provides searching across one or more libraries for documents that match certain criteria, and provides tools to manage those documents, such as transfer and export.



Images provides tools that work on a collection of images that have been selected while browsing or viewing.

Documents provides tools that work with a collection of documents that have been selected while browsing or viewing.



Provides window management functionality, in addition to that provided by window title bar icons.  This menu group can provide improved navigation in small screen environments.



Options is a form for configuring some session settings.

Address Book Edit enables users who have address book editing permission to manage address books and their entries.


Admin (appears for administrator users)

Libraries provides library management, including property settings and corruption recovery

Users provides user maintenance, including user-specific permission settings and group membership

External Users provides external user maintenance (external users are those with an entity ID)

Groups provides group maintenance, including group-specific permission settings

Build Demo Libraries generates demo libraries from sample data

Server Manager opens the Server Manager, for server monitoring and configuration