XML Document

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Below is an annotated example of the XML document produced when a document is transferred to a library.  This document has a subid based on the sequenced job ID (i.e. AcmeDocs*).  When a transfer is run, the postupload code has a variable xmlsubid$ that contains the subid value of the xml file, so you can retrieve the actual XML with a library object 'getimage()' method.



The root node is /inbounddoc, with a srcid attribute of the source of the document.

<inbounddoc srcid="doc2">


The /inbound/identification node contains subnodes related to document identification and indexing, and also the job name of the image manager job applied to this image.




<doctype>Vendor Invoice</doctype>














The /inbounddoc/fields node contains subnodes for each field defined in the job.  A type attribute defines the type of field.  Grid types include are further defined with /rows, /rows/row, and /rows/row/col tags.


<vendorID type="text">BRF010</vendorID>

<vendorName type="text">BRF</vendorName>

<invoNum type="text">25072969-00</invoNum>

<docDate type="text">2018-03-27</docDate>

<poNum type="text"></poNum>

<GLaccount type="text"></GLaccount>

<GLsubaccount type="text">000-00-00</GLsubaccount>

<merchTotal type="number">2,724.78</merchTotal>

<taxTotal type="number">190.73</taxTotal>

<freightTotal type="number"></freightTotal>

<otherTotal type="number"></otherTotal>

<discountTotal type="number"></discountTotal>

<calcTotal type="number">2915.51</calcTotal>

<invoTotal type="text">2,915.51</invoTotal>

<flowDept type="text">Other</flowDept>

<terms type="text"></terms>

<receiptID type="text"></receiptID>

<Lines type="grid"><rows>


  <col name="Qty">10.00</col>

  <col name="Item">312P300-040 4&quot; PVC DWV 90 ELBOW</col>

  <col name="Price">5.220</col>

  <col name="Disc">.00</col>

  <col name="Extend">52.20</col>

  <col name="Uom">EA</col>



  <col name="Qty">10.00</col>

  <col name="Item">312P101-040 4&quot; PVC DWV FEMALE</col>

  <col name="Price">3.010</col>

  <col name="Disc">.00</col>

  <col name="Extend">30.10</col>

  <col name="Uom">EA</col>




<LinesTotal type="number">2724.78</LinesTotal>



The /inbound/metadata node contains subnodes related to the source, such as an original filename or to, from, and subject values from an email.  For user-uploaded images, this is empty.






The /inbound/parameters node contains elements for each parameter defined for the job that this image used.





