Command Line Admin

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An administrator user can use the uf101d admin command line options.  Such a user is either root on Linux, or a member of an administrators group on Windows.  The following options are supported.


All commands are structured as uf101d admin options


Note that square brackets [] indicate optional arguments and are not part of the syntax.


The options that are available are:


-setpass "userid" -password "password"
Sets the user's password to the specified value.  If password is "*", then a random password is generated.  The new password is displayed if successful.

-getpass "userid"
Displays the specified user's password.

-setemail "userid" -email "email-address"
Sets the user's email address to the specified value.  The new email is displayed if successful.  Note if the user's current password doesn't meet complexity requirements, a message about the password will appear due to the inability to update the record using the existing password.

-getemail "userid"
Displays the user's current email.

-setconfig [-section "sectionname"] -item "itemname" -value "value" [-force]
Updates a line in the uf101d.ini file.  If no section is provided, defaults is used.  If there is an existing item in the named section, its value is updated.  If the item doesn't exist in the section, and -force is used, the item  is created. Further, if values affecting the local client are updated, such as the server port, the corresponding entry in uf101c.ini is updated.

-getconfig [-section "sectionname"] -item "itemname"
Displays the specified item's value from the uf101d.ini file.  If no section is provided, defaults is used.

-o filename writes any response to a file.  Without this option, results are displayed on screen.





uf101d admin -getpass amber -o output.txt writes user amber's password to output.txt


uf101d admin -setconfig -item agetmp -value .25 sets agetmp=.25 in the [defaults] section of uf101d.ini


uf101d admin -setconfig -section security -item authkey -value abc123 sets authkey=abc123 in the [security] section of uf101d.ini, and also in the [defaults] section of uf101c.ini.