Client Options

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The uf101c client program offers many options, which control various aspects of how it communicates with the server and how the server is told to execute the job.  Note that if the command line becomes too long for the operating system, you can use the –z or –zx options, which cause command line options to be read from a text file.


On Windows, there are two clients:

uf101cc.exe is a console application that supports options like the Unix client does.
uf101c.exe is a graphical application that interprets some command line options and then executes a hidden console client.



Standard Options




Causes UnForm to suppress 300 dpi settings within the PCL output file.  Some PCL devices don't support the PCL unit of measure command, and instead include it as printed output.  If this option is used, any images (dump files) or attachments must also be generated for 300 dpi and suppress any unit of measure settings.


A Windows-only option that displays information about the client, including the location of the active uf101c.ini file.



Enables or disables a newer algorithm for "word" parsing of AFO print streams.  This algorithm, which is new in version 9, works hard to produce words rather than relying on text sequences produced by the printing application.


This can be made the default for all jobs by setting afo2=1 in uf101d.ini, in which case the -noafo2 option turns it off for the job.


-asyncrpq /path/to/rpq

Submits a print job for asynchronous processing.  In this mode, the input file and the command line are submitted to the server in the rpq directory, where subsequent processing is handled by the server, using the same mechanism used for TCP/IP Monitor printing.  Normal job processing, including job license management, is delegated to the server, allowing client processing to complete as long as it can connect to the server.


Async submissions are not compatible with client-side output and report an error if the job utilizes that.  Therefore, jobs require a -o option, and that value cannot specify a "client:" prefix. Any client-side error file will only log problems connecting to the server.


The -asyncrpq option enables lower-overhead submission if the client and server are on the same machine, and the client connects to the server named 'localhost'.  Instead of transferring the input and command files by socket, it simply creates them in the rpq directory specified.  Specify the full path to the rpq directory, without a trailing slash.  The -asyncrpq option implicitly turns on -async.


See also the -priority option.

-authkey keyvalue

Specifies an authkey for the connection, which must match the authkey setting configured in the server's uf101d.ini file (in the [security] section).  Note this value is often configured in the uf101c.ini file.

-c copies

Causes UnForm to issue multiple copies of the entire report.  This differs from the -pc option.  If copies is set to less than 2, this option is ignored.  This option and the "-pc" option are mutually exclusive; also, rule sets can specify copy options that will override command line options.

Performs implicit skips of any rule set copy NOT found in the copies-enabled list.  For example -ce "1,2" would force copies other than 1 and 2 to be suppressed.  This option is useful in sub-jobs executed with the jobexec() function or via the archive command to suppress certain copies.

Forces pcl image conversions to retain color rather than force black and white.  See the image command for more information about automated image conversion and scaling.  This also implicitly sets the –gw option.

Sets the default columns per page when a job is using default scaling, as when the –p pdf or –p laser options are used and no rule set is detected or specified.  See also the –rows option.

The –compress or –cmp options will force compression of PDF files, even if the best compression available is RLE.  If the operating system supports zlib compression, then Flate compression is turned on by default and this option is redundant.


If you want to disable the automatic Flate compression, use the –nocompress option.

Attempts to compress portions of the transmission to a remote (non-localhost) server.  If the client and server both support zlib compression, then uploaded and downloaded files are compressed to improve performance over slow network connections.

A Windows-only option that displays a configuration form and updates the client's uf101c.ini file.  See the -about option for the location of this file.

Generates a cover page for the job using the rule set specified.  If a rule file is specified, the rule set is read from that rule file.  If arguments are specific, the subjob used to generate the cover page will include the specified command line arguments.   The arguments can be used to pass parameters and other processing options, but should not include -f, -r, or -p arguments.

Sets handling for embedded carriage returns (chr(13)) in lines read from the input stream.  The default value is defined in uf101d.ini, in the [defaults] section, cr=n entry.


0 will truncate lines at the first CR.
1 will strip CR character, so the line continues as if the character were not present.
2 will fold lines, and non-space characters are placed in the line buffer, simulating an overstrike.
3 will fold lines and insert an extra space, which accommodates Windows Generic/Text Only printers that overstrike conflicting characters.


Note if UnForm detects line-terminators are CR characters rather than LF or CRLF sequences, this option is not operational.

Causes job-based submission serverpath/temp/ files *.in, *.out, and *.err to be retained rather than deleted after job completion.  It also causes generation of the following job-based files: *.eml log file for email operations, *.gs.log for ghostscript operation error and standard output (Unix or console version  Windows only).


Use -nodebug to turn off default debug mode defined in uf101d.ini.

Causes UnForm to output any errors to the file specified.  Error files reside on the client system, not the server.

-emattach "value"

-embcc "value"

-emcc "value"

-emfrom "value"

-emlogin "value"

-emmsgtxt "value"

-emoh "value"

-empswd "value"

-emsubject "value"

-emto "value"

-emlogfile "value"

These options supply values for an automatic email command.  See the email command documentation for descriptions of each option.  The –emto option is required, all others are optional, though certainly the –emsubject and -emmsgtxt are likely required for a given application.  For emailing to work, the job must be a PDF job, and the server's mailcall.ini file must be properly configured with a server= line defining the SMTP server.

-f rule-file

-f "file1;file2;…"

Establishes a different rule file than the default specified during the installation.  Rule files are text files that contain descriptions of the form enhancements for one or more forms.  The enhancement options are described in detail under Rule Files, below.


UnForm will always search for the rule file first in the UnForm server directory, then by the full pathname given.  Rule files must reside on the server machine, not the client.


If multiple rule files are specified, delimited by a semicolon, they are merged, with the global regions merged in reverse sequence.


By convention, rule files have a .rul suffix, though this is not a requirement, and the rule-file value can be any file name.  The UnForm Designer tool maintains a .rud suffix for working rule files and a .rul suffix for published rule files.


Note that if you want to ensure that no rule file is used, such as when using -i and -o options to transfer a file, you can specify -f /dev/null (Linux) or -f nul (Windows).


Turns on auto-scaling of AFO input streams, by requesting Ghostscript to scale incoming pages to the paper size, which defaults to Letter and can be changed with the -paper option.  This feature is particularly useful when incoming print streams are A4 and output should be Letter, or visa versa.

-gb|-greenbar [options]

Adds alternating shade patterns to simulate green bar paper.  If the options parameter is supplied, it should be in the form defined by the shade command for repeating shade values.  If no option value is supplied, the default is 3 lines shaded at 10%, 3 lines skipped, repeated until the end of the page.


Causes UnForm to generate laser driver shade regions graphically, rather than using internal PCL shade commands.  The result is finer shading detail, especially at 600 dpi.  Using this option will add between 2K and 4K per job.


The gs command can also be used in rule sets to control graphical shading at a copy level.


Forces UnForm to pass through PCL image width and height escape sequences to the printer.  This is generally necessary on color laser images to avoid a black stripe from the right image edge to the right margin.  However, if you are using PCL images, then it is important that all images on a form contain width and height values so they won't conflict with one another.  Some image generating programs don't store the width and height values.

-i input-file

Names an input text file for UnForm to process as input.  If not specified, or if it is a dash (-i -), then standard input (std input) is read. Under Windows, standard input cannot be used, so an input file must be supplied.  Note that the input file must reside on the client's computer, not the server.

-ix input-file

Same as the –i option except the input text file is removed upon completion of task.  Note that the input file must reside on the client's computer, not the server.


Turns on landscape print mode as the default.  A portrait command in a rule set will override this option.  Note that landscape printing usually requires a reduction in the number of rows per page, as compared with portrait printing, in order to produce usable results.

-lang languageext

Render messages and window titles from the file uf101cmsg.ext.  The file uf101cmsg.eng is always supplied withUnForm, and the default language is English.


-ldapserver [ssl:]name:port

-ldapdomain name

-ldaptype name

-ldaplogin login

-ldappassword password

-ldapprofile profilename

-ldappageing pagesize

See the archive options table for more details.

-lib "dir[;dir;…]"

Add directory (or directories delimited by semicolons) to the library of search paths used for locating external files, such as images, attachments, or merge rule files.  Note that the library= line of uf101d.ini provides another method of doing this, and the rule file’s path is also automatically added to this search list.


When the label dimensions and cols setting are established, UnForm scans mono-spaced internal fonts for the closest match that will not exceed the cols specified, then recalculates the cols to agree with the font selected.  This allows print stream text and all other enhancements to scale together.  However, it also causes labels to shrink in printable area width, sometimes very noticeably, resulting in graphical commands not being placed where expected.  This option was added to prevent this recalculation from occurring, at the expense of losing the print stream scale matching.  With this option, graphical commands will print where expected on the label, but may not align with print stream output.  Zebra-only command.


Sets the printer model to a name that can be found in the ppd directory (without the ".ppd" suffix, e.g. –m hp4000 will load the ppd/hp4000.ppd file).  This is useful when producing PostScript jobs that use printer features such as duplex or tray selection, as the code for those features is defined in PPD files provided by printer manufacturers.


If no –m is provided, then UnForm will select a default PPD file based on the driver.  Custom PPD files can be obtained from a printer vendor or from various Internet sources, or can be written from scratch or based upon one of the generic files.


Turns on macros.

-macrocopy n

Used in conjunction with the –makemacro option. A macro will be created for the designated rule set copy.

-makemacro n

Causes UnForm to simply create the appropriate macro for the designated rule set and designate it as the number n. It must be used jointly with the –r option and can be used in conjunction with the -macrocopy option. See special section discussing macros later in this documentation.


Indicates that an error message should be issued if the input stream is empty.  The value used for the error message is in the [defaults] section of ufparam.txt, in the entry nullmsg=message text.


Suppresses the automatic assumption that Postscript/PDF input should initiate an AFO job.  This flag can also be useful when using jobexec() to generate non-AFO subjobs when run from an AFO job.


Turns off any archive commands for the job.


See the –compress option.


See the -debug option.



Turns off any deliver commands for the job.


Turns off auto-scaling of AFO input streams.


Reverts to full PCL, rather than a mixture of PCL and HP/GL output.  A number of laser printed features use HP/GL, which is a standard feature of the PCL5 language.  Some PCL interpreters, such as those that may be included in some fax or viewing software, may not support HP/GL, so this option can be used to force standard PCL5 coding for many options, such as box drawing and text alignment.  A few features, such as rounded corner boxes, require HP/GL and are not supported if this option is specified.


With this flag set, the Unix/Linux client will ignore interrupt signals once the connection to the server is established.  This allows it to keep running even if a parent process receives an interrupt signal on platforms that propogate the signal to child tasks.


Suppress possible interpretation of some binary data input files as containing an input rule set.  Useful in particulary when copying data files with the unform client that happen to contain headers with values in square brackets.


With this flag set, UnForm will not construct the textjob$[] array, saving time during parsing of the input stream.

-o output-file

Specifies an output file or device.  If not specified, then standard output (stdout) is used.  Under Windows, an output file must be supplied unless one of the special drivers, win or winpvw, is used.  On UNIX, the output can be a redirect or pipe to another program, such as lp or lpr.


The output device can be specified in the form "tcp:nameorIP:port" to direct output to a network printer at the name or address specified.  If the optional :port is not supplied, port 9100 is used, which is the default network printing port.  Example: -o "tcp:".


The output device can be specified in the form "cp:locid:devid:title" to send output to a CirrusPrint output device.  The [cirrusprint] section of deliver.ini must be configured with server, login, and password values so the UnForm server can submit the job.  The title value is optional.  If not supplied, the title provided to CirrusPrint is "UnForm job n".


Output names that contain spaces or characters that are meaningful to the operating system must be quoted.


The output file or device will, by default, be opened on the server machine.  If the name is prefixed with the phrase "client:", then it is returned to the client for local handling.  Here are some examples:


Server output:

-o ">lp –dhplaser –oraw –s 2>/dev/null"

-o "/tmp/archive/12345.pdf"


Client output:

-o client://prntsrv/laser

-o client:c:\archive\12345.pdf


Note that if a Unix pipe or redirect (| or >) is not quoted, output is actually to the client's standard output handle, so it is implicitly client-based.  To print to a server-based spooler or program, be sure to quote the argument, as shown above.


Server-based output can contain characters that will be substituted at run-time.  These character replacements are:


%d for the date in YYYYMMDD format
%t for the time in HHMMSS (24-hour clock) format
%p for the process ID of the UnForm task generating the file
%j for the UnForm job number, a sequential counter
%k for a millisecond value, generally appended to a %t tag


Note that on UNIX, if there is no –o specified, or if the output is simply a dash (-o -), then output goes to the client's standard out.  A special output of /dev/tty is also recognized as client-side output to the /dev/tty device, often used for slave printing (see the –slon/-sloff options).


If the output will be handled by the server, the client will generally exit as soon as the job has been successfully started on the server.  If the output is to be returned to the client (or the –wait option is specified), then the client will wait for the server to finish.

-o "*windev*;name"

-o "*winprt*;name"

When UnForm is installed on a Windows system, two special print devices are available: *windev* and *winprt*.  Note that the * characters are optional in version 10.1, and either a semicolon or colon can be used.


Windows print queues can be referenced in raw mode (*windev*) or via a Windows print driver (*winprt*). When in raw mode, a PCL5 or PostScript driver must be used, specified with the –p option (some printers support direct printing of PDF output as well).  When using a Windows print driver, Ghostscript must be installed and configured, which allows UnForm to create temporary PDF output, convert that to image output, and print the images using any Windows print driver (the –p option is ignored).  This Ghostscript-driven method is suitable for local printers, but not for remote printers accessed over a slow network connection, due to the size of output generated.  Each page is a raster bitmap, and such full page images are large files (i.e. letter-size, 300 dpi, black and white is about 1MB, color about 8MB).


The name value specified must match a Windows printer name (not a share name).  If not specified, the default printer for the UnForm server process will be used (not that of the submitting user).  No selection window can be presented for dynamic selection, as UnForm jobs run in background on a server.


When using *winprt*, limited printer control is offered on a job-wide basis, for tray, duplex, and orientation.  Color output is generated if a –color command line option is used.  As the output is produced initially in PDF format, it is not possible to change the output device in mid-job.  You can set output dynamically at the start of a job in order to override the –o command line argument, using an output command or setting output$ in a prejob code block, using the same "*winprt*;name" syntax.


Tray numbers differ from PCL trays, often being manufacturer-defined values above 256.  A list of tray numbers for a given Windows printer can be obtained using the system object's winprttrays$(printer$) method.

-o unc:\\server\share

This special Windows UNC printer syntax is designed to print indirectly to the device via a work file and a Windows copy command.  This technique works around a limitation of Windows 2008 that prevents printing to UNC printer shares.  If UnForm detects it is running on 2008 or higher, it automatically implements this technique, but if needed, the unc: prefix can be specified to force this processing method.

-p output-format

Specifies the output format for the job.  It may be one of the following values:


laser (or pcl), which produces PCL5 or PCL5c (color) output.  The default format is PCL5, but if this option is specified, and no rule set is detected or specified, then the output is scaled to fit the page in conjunction with the –cols and -rows options, or the content itself.  Without any –p option, and without a rule set, the job is passed through unmodified.


pdf, which generates files viewable by Adobe Acrobat Reader or PDF viewers.  If no rule set is detected or specified, then a scaled text job is created, based on the –cols and –rows options, or the content itself.


ps or ps3, which generates PostScript output.  If no rule set is detected or specified, then a scaled text job in PostScript format is created, based on the –cols and –rows options, or the content itself.  The ps3 version leverages the zlib compression support of PostScript level 3, which is supported on many printers, for monochrome images.


html5, which generates HTML5 output, generating page oriented documents similar to PDF or PCL (this differs from the legacy "html" driver).


eps, which generates a PostScript EPS image from the first page of output.


zebran, which produces ZPL II output at n dots per mm (6, 8, or 12 – default of 12) for Zebra label printers.


For special Zebra media handling, you can append the following to zebran:

Media tracking (Y=standard, N=non-standard label stock).  Standard label stock is non-continuous, meaning the media has some type of physical characteristic (web, notch, perforation, mark, etc.) to separate the labels. NOTE: changing between standard and non-standard requires recalibrating the printer.
Set print modes (T=tear-off, R=rewind, P=peel-off, C=cutter).


The default values are YT.  For continuous labels, 8 dpmm, with a cutter, you would specify –p zebra8NC.


html, which generates Web pages from reports, based on a special set of rule set keywords.


-p output-format (continued)

win, winpvw, which automatically produces a PDF file and launches the Acrobat PDF viewer on the Windows client. win (note win5 is a synonym for win) will print the document using the Acrobat /p command line option.  This generally provides a printer selection dialog before printing.  On some versions of Acrobat a window is left open after printing.  A second format, "win:printer", uses the Acrobat /t option to print directly to the printer named printer.  Printer names generally match the names in the Windows printer select dialogs, but sometimes can be UNC names.  To print to the default printer, specify win:default or win:dflt. These options only work in Windows clients.  The winpvw driver works on Windows and OS/X (Mac) systems, and also in Unix/Linux systems that have a graphical viewer that is specified in the PDF_VIEWER environment variable.


Image drivers Special Ghostscript-driven drivers are also available if Ghostscript is available on the server machine, and if you have configured the uf101d.ini file [drivers] section.  The configuration specifies the path to Ghostscript and a set of driver names with Ghostscript -sDEVICE names, a multi-page flag, and a resolution.  For example:






If the command line contains –p bmp –o imagefile.bmp, then UnForm will generate an interim PDF file, and execute the gs command to convert that to the format bmp256, with output files imagefile-1.bmp, imagefile-2.bmp, and so on.  The images will be produced at 300 dpi resolution.


Many standard drivers are configured, and you can add more as needed and as supported by Ghostscript.

-page lines

Specifies the number of lines per page that UnForm should read from the input.  Normally, UnForm will find form-feed characters to delimit pages.  However, if the application simply prints even numbers of lines per page, this can be used to define that value so UnForm can properly parse the input stream.  The rule file page command is normally used rather than this command line option, since different reports can have different page sizes.  However, this option is useful when doing cross hair prints (the -x option) to properly parse individual pages.

-paper paper

-ps paper

Specifies the paper size used by the printer.  Valid values include letter, legal, ledger, executive, a3, and a4.  The default is letter.  For a complete list, see the [paper] section of ufparam.txt.


The paper size can also be specified with a widthxheight setting, with an optional suffix of "cm" or "mm" to specify the value in centimeters or millimeters (i.e. 20x30cm).

-pc copies

Causes UnForm to issue multiple copies of the report, page by page.  If copies is less than 2, this option is ignored.  This option and the "-c" option are mutually exclusive; also, rule sets can specify copy options that will override command line options.

-pdfauthor "value"

-pdfkeywords "value"

-pdfprotect "value"

-pdfsubject "value"

-pdftitle "value"

-pdftrans | -pdfnotrans

These options supply default values for the author, keywords, protect, subject, title, and transparency commands, respectively.  All options are used exclusively with PDF output.


Queries the server, returning a 10-digit string (plus a newline) , made up of 5 digits of total job licenses and 5 digits of job licenses in use at the time the connection is made.  The –server and –port options are honored.  On Windows, using uf101c.exe, the –o option and –e options are honored.

-port n

Specifies the port that the server is listening on, if other than the default of 27400.  The –server line can also be used to specify the port, in the format server:port.  The uf101c.ini file also can contain the default port to use in the absence of this option.



Causes UnForm to process blank pages the same as non-blank pages.  Normally, blank pages are suppressed.

-priority "value"

Sets the priority of -async job submissions.  Valid values are "high" or 1, "medium" or 2, or "low" or 3.

-prm "parameters"

Provides the ability for the application to send parameters to UnForm on the command line.  This might be used, for instance, to pass a company number for use in a code block.  The format for parameters is "parameter-1=value-1[;parameter-2=value-2;...]"  Any number of parameters can be specified within the limits imposed by the operating system for command line length.  Each parameter becomes a global string in Business Basic (use the GBL() function to retrieve), and each is set to the value specified.  Multiple parameters need to be delimited by semi-colons (;). -prm "company=01;name=Acme Paint", for example, would establish two global strings: company and name.  These could be referenced within code blocks (prepage, precopy, etc.) as GBL("company") and GBL("name").

-proxy http-proxy

This option enables connection via an http server that has been configured as a forward proxy supporting the CONNECT verb.  If used, the connection to the UnForm server is accomplished by first connecting to the proxy server over http/https, then issuing a CONNECT request to the standard server setting found in uf101c.ini or the -server option.  The http server establishes a transparent connection to the UnForm server.  The http-proxy value must be a http or https url.


Forces the Windows version of uf101c to route any errors to the log file defined in uf101c.ini, or "uf101c.log" by default, and to any –e file named on the command line.  Without this option, errors are reported in message boxes.

-r rule-set

Used to specify a rule set name to use for the job.  The rule set specified must exist in the rule file used for the job (see the –f option).  If this option is not used, UnForm will attempt to automatically detect what form is being processed based on specifications contained in the rule file.  If no form is detected, then UnForm creates a simple text job or may pass the job through to the output unmodified.  If the rule-set contains spaces, it should be quoted.  Rule set names are not case sensitive.

-rd n, -rdelay n

Introduce a delay of 1 to n seconds (a random value) to slow down the pace of jobs submitted to the server when large numbers of jobs are sent by an application.  The delay is only imposed if the number of active jobs on the server exceeds a threshold defined by the -rdt option.  For example, the following options would implement a random delay of from 1to 10 seconds whenever more than 5 jobs are active on the server:


 -rd 10 -rdt 5

-rdt n, -rthresh n

The minimum number of active jobs on the server before the -rd or -rdelay option will be active.  If active jobs exceeds this value, a random delay is imposed.

-rerun [files]

Used in job recovery to rerun specified jobs associated with a list of files found in the fail history client-side directory.  See Fail Recovery for more information.

-retry count

Sets the number of times the client will retry a connection if it receives an error 998 (out of licenses) response from the server.  This is related to the -sleep option, which determines how long to pause between retries.



Turn on reverse landscape or reverse portrait orientation.  These options are only valid on laser output.

-rows n

Sets the default rows per page when a job is using default scaling, as when the –p pdf or –p laser options are used and no rule set is detected or specified.  See also the –cols option.

-s sub-file

Specifies a text file to be used as a substitution file.  Substitutions are used by UnForm when placing text in the form output.  If the text can vary from one form to another, such as company names and addresses, then multiple substitution files can be defined, each containing different names and addresses, and the proper one identified with this command line option.  See the text keyword for more information.  The default substitution file is called "subst".  If sub-file is not a full path, UnForm will look for it in the UnForm directory.  UnForm will automatically generate stbl("@name") definitions for each line in the substitution file.  Code blocks and expressions can use the stbl() function (gbl() on ProvideX) to return these values.


Causes the client to block other client processes until the server has acknowledged the connection, effectively spooling client processes until the server has resources to support additional connections.  This can help to overcome server resource issues when a swarm of jobs is sent to the server very quickly.  The blocking is accomplished with a lock file, in the client install path on Unix, or in the %ProgramData%\SDSI path on Windows.

-server server

Specifies the server, if the default server found in uf101c.ini is incorrect.  The server value can be a hostname or IP address of the system running the UnForm server.


Optionally, the server can be specified with up to 5 segments, delimited by colons.  Unspecified segments take values from uf101c.ini or specific command line arguments.  The format order is:




The server argument can contain a semicolon delimited list of server values (be sure to quote it).  If it is a list, then when submitting jobs the client will check each for availability, depending on the uf101c.ini setting for minavail=n.  If n is 0, the client looks for the server with the most availability.  The algorithm is based on the ratio of print licenses to licenses in use.  If n is not 0, then the first  server with at least this many job slots available is chosen.  No matter which method is configured, the first server with no jobs in use is chosen.


When not submitting jobs, such as with a -v option, only the first server in the list is used.


Note that if you use archiving, it is important to set the archive server, generally with the [archive] section server= option in uf101d.ini, to ensure that archive libraries are updated on a primary archive server no matter which server is chosen to handle the print job.


If multiple servers are specified, they all must use the same authkey value.

-shift n

Causes all input text to shift n columns to the right, similar to the action of the shift command.  This can be useful in conjunction with the –x crosshair option to force text to match the alignment it would have with a shift n command in a rule set.

-sleep seconds

This sets the delay between retries when reconnecting after an error 998 (out of licenses) from the server.  This is related to the -retry option.

-slon "codes"

-sloff "codes"

Causes local (client side) output to be started with the slon code and ended with the sloff code.  This option is only supported in the UNIX client.  The code can contain text and special escaped characters:


\e        Escape

\n        Newline

\r        Carriage return

\0nn        Octal character nn  (i.e. \033 is an escape)

\xhh        Hex character hh  (i.e. \x1b is an escape)


These values are typically set in conjunction with a –o /dev/tty option, in order to send a job back to the client-side terminal device for slave printing.  Use of these options also causes the UNIX client to attempt to change the stty setting of the –o device to "raw" for the duration of the output.


A typical slave print client command line might look like this:


cat sample1.txt | uf101c –f simple.rul –slon "\e[5i" –sloff "\e[4i" –o /dev/tty



Turns SSL on or off when connecting to the server.  The default value is set in uf101c.ini, and these options override the value.  This setting must match the server's configuration.



Overrides the default behavior of the status window when submitting jobs in the Windows client uf101c.exe.  The default behavior is to show the window for jobs that will be returned to the client, and not show the window for jobs that will be printed by the server.

-sshost "server:port"

Sets the support server host and port, overriding the sshost= and ssport= lines in uf101d.ini for the job.  See also the sshost() code block function.

-sstimeout secs

Overrides the Support Server timeout value specified in the uf101d.ini file.  Set to -1 to set an infinite timeout.


If this is specified, then the textjob$[all] array is built even if that is not the default setting, as defined in textjob=x in uf101d.ini.

-testpr font symset

Generates a test print showing nearly all characters (ASCII 1 to 254) in the font and symset codes identified.  For a list of font codes and symbol sets, see the ufparam.txt file, sections [fonts] and [symsets], respectively.


This option supports both laser and pdf drivers.  To generate a PDF file, add "-p pdf" to the command line.  Output can be sent to a file or device with the "-o" option, or on UNIX can be piped to standard output.  Note that with the pdf driver, the only symbol set used is 9J.

-timeout n

Sets the socket timeout, for connecting to the server, to n seconds.  If the server takes more than this amount of time to accept the connection, the client produces an error.  The default value is 10 seconds.

-trans "filename"

Specifies a translation file, used to substitute text, barcode, and search values that are dynamically translated as the job runs.  The active file can also be specified with the settrans("filename") code block function.


Forces the use of the Windows Support Server for image conversions and Ghostscript execution, even if server-based configuration is enabled.


Causes UnForm to print version information and exit.

-vshift n

Causes all input text to shift n rows down, similar to the action of the vshift command.  This can be useful in conjunction with the –x crosshair option to force text to match the alignment it would have with a vshift n command in a rule set.


Causes the client to wait for job completion, even if the server is printing the job.  Normally, when the client submits a job to the server, it will exit as quickly as the server acknowledges the job has started (not, of course, if the output needs to come back to the client).  By including the –wait option, the client will wait until the server job is complete, even if the output will be handled by the server.  The purpose of this option is to allow client reporting of any errors the server might encounter once the job starts.

-x [page[,page, …]]

-xl [page[,page, …]]

Causes the first page of input, or the pages specified, to be printed with a cross hair pattern.  This is typically done once to assist in determining placement of text, and then removed.  Sometimes, a special printer definition is set up within an application, using the -x option, so that any form can be printed to that printer for layout purposes.  Note that setting the environment variable UFC to "y" will cause this option to be automatically implemented.


Optionally, specify one or more (comma-delimited with no spaces, or hyphenated for ranges) page numbers to get UnForm to produce cross hair patterns on specific pages of the input stream.  For example, '-x 1,3-5' would produce cross hair patterns on pages 1, 3, 4, and 5, suppressing all others.  If the input doesn't contain form-feed page delimiters, be sure to use the –page option as well.


When the –x option is used, no rule set is applied to the job.  See the crosshair command if you want to apply a grid to enhanced output.


The –xl option will produce a landscape version of the crosshair printing.

-z filename

-zx filename

Adds command line options contained in the text file filename to the command line as if they were part of the command line itself.  This option is helpful if a command line length exceeds the operating system limit.  If the –zx option is used, then filename is erased once it has been read.


The file is simply a text file with arguments separated by white space or new lines.  Lines beginning with a # character are not included.