Standalone Client

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The uf90c client software can be used to submit jobs to UnForm from anywhere on your network after the server is installed and operating.   The client software is automatically installed on the same machine as the server, so jobs can be submitted locally.  However, you can install the client software on any network computer.  Any client can talk to any server, so you can mix and match different operating systems as you need.  For example, you could install the Windows server, and have both Windows and UNIX clients submit jobs to it.


Clients must be installed on any machine that will be submitting jobs to UnForm.  For example, in a Windows network, with the UnForm server installed on a single network server, each workstation that will be submitting jobs must have a client installed and configured to communicate with that server.


The UNIX client is installed from the file uf90c_tar.Z, while the Windows client installer is called uf90c_setup.exe.


The UNIX install steps are as follows:


Ensure the system has Perl level 5 or higher: perl –v
If not, Perl can be obtained from or
Create a directory for the client, such as mkdir /usr/lib/sdsi/uf90client
Set permissions on that directory: chmod 777 /usr/lib/sdsi/uf90client
Copy the uf90c_tar.Z file to that directory and cd to that directory
Uncompress the file: uncompress uf90c_tar.Z.  If you have gzip, then the gunzip utility can also uncompress the file.
Extract the files: tar xvf uf90c_tar
Run the setup script: ./
Edit the uf90c.ini file located in the install path to set up the client configuration:


The uf90c.ini file looks like this:










Change the server= line to point to the server host name or IP address, and the port line to the proper listening port configured in the server's uf90d.ini file.  The port default is 27290, and will not normally be changed.  Note that the server and port can also be specified on the uf90c command line.  The values entered here serve as defaults.


If you want uf90c to log errors, uncomment the logfile= line, setting the value to a log file name.


If you want uf90c to email (using the UNIX mail command) error messages to an administrator, uncomment the mailto= line, setting the value to an email address available from the client computer.  Note that the Windows client does not support emailing of error messages.


The retry and wait lines set the number of times, and delay between tries, that the client will attempt to connect to the server before giving up.  If any retries are needed, and the log file is specified, then a message will be logged.