SIMPLE2 – add font control and text |
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This is a somewhat more advanced rule set than simple1, demonstrating how to add fonting, justification, and text movement to the job. Additional notes are supplied to highlight these concepts. To prevent simple1's detection code from selecting the job, add a –r option to the command line:
uf90c –i sample1.txt –f simple.rul –r simple2 –p pdf –o client:simple2.pdf
[simple2] # to use this rule set, you need to FORCE the rule set with the -r option # or remark (#) out the detect command in the rule sets above. # # This rule set takes the rule set above and improves it by adding # fonting and justification.
# It also cuts and pastes the invoice #/date/pg fields which allows # more room for company name and address to be centered
# Also notice first use of relative expression in a text command to fix # a problem with fonting a series of rows. Put a # in front of this # command to see the problem that occurs. See memo section. #
detect 61,5,"~../../.. ......." # invoice date and # detect 9,11,"~......" # customer code detect 10,21,"~../../.. ......" # ord date and cust code
cols 80 # max output columns rows 66 # max output rows
The header section has changed to use center and right justification. Note the use of cols=79 in each text command, which tells UnForm the bounds of the justification region. For example, the text "Company Name" is centered in the region starting at column 1, for 79 columns.
# header section cbox .5,.5,80.5,66.5,5 image 1,1,12,6,"sdsilogo.pcl" text 1,2,"Company Name",univers,14,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,3,"Company Address\nCompany City, St Zipcode\nCompany Phone",univers,12,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,6,"Web:\nEmail:",univers,11,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,2,"INVOICE",univers,16,bold,right,cols=79
The Invoice number section is re-formatted here, by first drawing a new, vertically-oriented grid and heading section, then by using text commands with expressions that use the cut() function. The expression is indicated by the curly braces, such as {cut(61,5,8,"")}, which directs UnForm to resolve the function as the job processes each page. In the line starting with "text 75,5", the data from the input stream at column 61, row 5, for 8 characters is cut and replaced with nothing (""), and it becomes the value printed at column 75, row 5.
# invoice # section cbox 67,4,80.5,10,1,crows=6 8,ccols=74::20 text 68,5,"Date",univers,italic,10 text 68,7,"Invoice",univers,italic,10 text 68,9,"Page #",univers,italic,10 # cut data from old position and place in new text 75,5,{cut(61,5,8,"")},cgtimes,bold,10 text 75,7,{cut(71,5,7,"")},cgtimes,bold,10 text 75,9,{cut(79,5,2,"")},cgtimes,bold,10
# bill to / ship to section cbox .5,10,80.5,18.5,5,ccols=7::20 43.5 50::20 text 2,12,"Sold To",cgtimes,italic,10,center,cols=5 cfont 8,11,40,11,cgtimes,bold,10,left cfont 8,12,40,15,cgtimes,bold,10 # sold to address text 45,12,"Ship To",cgtimes,italic,10,center,cols=5 cfont 51,11,80,11,cgtimes,bold,10,left text 51,12,{mcut(51,12,30,4,"","Y","Y")},cgtimes,bold,10
# ribbon section cbox .5,18.5,80.5,22.5,5,crows=20.5::20,ccols=9 18 25 65 # special internal grid in ribbon box cbox 29,18.5,65,21.5 cbox 42,18.5,56,21.5 text 1,19,"Order\nNumber",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 10,19,"Order\nDate",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 19,19,"Cust.\nNumber",univers,italic,10,center,cols=6 text 26,19,"Sls\nPrs",univers,italic,10,center,cols=3 text 30,19,"Purchase\nOrder No.",univers,italic,10,center,cols=12 text 43,19,"\nShip Via",univers,italic,10,center,cols=13 text 57,19,"Ship\nDate",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 66,19,"\nTerms",univers,italic,10,center,cols=14
This section changes the fonts of the input data stream in the invoice ribbon section. For example, the first cfont command changes the data in column 1, row 21 through column 8, row 21, to cgtimes, bold, 10 point, centered text. Note how the font command applies to the incoming data stream, which differs from the text command, which adds additional output to the job. Font commands therefore work with integer positions, as they modify the character-base data stream as it passes through to the output.
cfont 1,21,8,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # order # cfont 10,21,17,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # order date cfont 19,21,24,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # cust # cfont 26,21,28,21,cgtimes,bold,10,left # sls prs code cfont 26,22,64,22,cgtimes,bold,10,left # sls prs name cfont 30,21,41,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # po # cfont 43,21,55,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # ship via cfont 57,21,64,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # ship date cfont 66,21,80,22,cgtimes,10,center # terms
# detail section cbox .5,22.5,80.5,56.5,5,crows=24.5::10,ccols=5 10 16 51 55 67 text 1,23,"Qty\nOrd",univers,italic,10,right,cols=4 text 6,23,"Qty\nShip",univers,italic,10,right,cols=4 text 11,23,"Qty\nBkord",univers,10,italic,right,cols=4 text 17,23,"\nItem & Description",univers,italic,10 text 52,23,"\nU/M",univers,italic,10,center,cols=3 text 56,23,"Unit\nPrice",univers,italic,10,right,cols=11 text 68,23,"Extended\nPrice",univers,italic,10,right,cols=12
This section performs two distinct fonting functions. First, the detail item columns are fonted. Note that you can't simply font the entire detail section in a proportional font, as the spacing between columns would be lost. Instead, each column is fonted individually.
cfont 1,25,4,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty ord cfont 6,25,9,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty shipped cfont 11,25,15,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty b/o cfont 17,25,50,56,cgtimes,10,left # item # & desc cfont 52,25,54,56,cgtimes,10,bold,center # u/m cfont 56,25,66,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # unit price cfont 68,25,79,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # extended
# memo section font " @1,25,4,56",17,0,60,1,cgtimes,10,left
# footer section cbox 57,57,80.5,65,crows=59 63,ccols=67::20 text 58,58,"Sales Amt",univers,11 cfont 58,60,66,60,univers,11,left text 58,61,"Sales Tax",univers,11 text 58,62,"Freight",univers,11 text 58,64.25,"TOTAL",univers,bold,14 cfont 68,58,79,65,cgtimes,bold,right,14 # totals