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To search a library, use the –arcsearch command line option:
-arcsearch -arclib "library" -arclistfmt tab|csv|pipe|html|xml|xmlf -o "output file" -arclogin "userid/pswd"
Refine the search by adding any appropriate arguments from this list: -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, -arctitle, -arcentityid, -arcdate, -arcdateupdated, -arckeywords, -arcnotes, -arccats, -arclinks, -arctext, or –arcsubid. Each of these arguments can be a wildcard (*value* or value*), an exact value "12345", a range "12/1/2007--12/31/2007" (double-hyphen range delimiter), or a regular expression ("~[0-9][A-Z]"). You can use "not" to look for archives that do not match a criteria, and "and" or "or" to search for multiple values or alternate values.
Searches are optimized when possible. The best optimizations are document IDs, entity IDs, small date ranges, and multi-level categories.
Note that document types and document IDs are case-sensitive when optimized.