STATEMENT - two page formats
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In this sample, a two-page, plain paper statement is printed. The two pages contain two slightly different formats, with the second page containing detail lines and a customer aging, and the first page containing some more detail lines and the phrase "CONTINUED" at the bottom. In the same statement print run, some statements may contain a single page, others two or more pages.
The trick here is to get UnForm to produce two formats based on the content of each page. In order to accomplish this, we define the job to produce multiple copies, and assign certain copies to certain formats. Using a precopy{} code block, we can then control the printing of the different formats.
uf90c –i sample2.txt –f advanced.rul –p pdf –o client:statement.pdf
This statement header identifies this rule set.
The word STATEMENT appears at column 34, row 2, and a date appears at column 65, row 7. To further clarify, a date format is matched at position 65, 7.
detect 34,2,"STATEMENT" detect 65,7,"~../../.." # statement date
The page dimensions are 66 rows and 75 columns. The text input to UnForm doesn't contain any form-feeds to indicate the end of a page, so the command "page 66" tells UnForm to consider each 66 lines to be a page.
Pcopies 4 is used to tell UnForm to print 4 copies of each page, with copies following each other in sequence for each page (collated). You will find later that UnForm doesn't actually print all copies of each page, but instead simply prints selected copies, depending on the format required. As each page is processed, if the page contains aging totals, UnForm prints 2 copies of that format, and if it does not contain aging totals, then UnForm prints 2 copies of the second format.
# set up document constants const MAXCOLS=75 # max cols to output const MAXRCOLS=74 # MAXCOLS-1 const LEFTCOL=1 # use 1 if empty const RIGHTCOL=75 # MAXCOLS for symmetry const MAXROWS=66 # max rows to output
portrait dpi 300 gs on # graphical shading cols MAXCOLS # max output columns rows MAXROWS # max output rows page MAXROWS # no form-feeds used
# to print more copies, increase value and add copy titles in prejob # Copy 1,2 Statement with aging totals # Copy 3,4 Statement w/o aging totals pcopies 4 # max # of copies
If this rule set is used to produce a PDF document, then the title "Statement Sample" will be added to the PDF file. For laser output, the title command is ignored.
title "Statement Sample" # view in PDF properties
The prejob command defines a string variable form_title$, assigning it the value "STATEMENT". This variable is used later in the rule set for a page heading and also in a watermark.
prejob { # set up variables needed by merged routines below # if form title changes per page, # set up in prepage routine below form_title$="STATEMENT" }
The prepage code block performs 2 functions. It checks the input data for the word "CONTINUED" at position 66, 64. If that word is present, then a variable continued$ is assigned to the phrase "Continued"; otherwise it is set to null. In addition, at three individual lines (16, 62, and 64), there may be single ! characters used as character-mode vertical lines in the input data. Elsewhere in the rule set is a 'vline "!!", erase' command, which erases instances of 2 or more ! characters vertically on the page. This code takes care of the single-row instances.
prepage { # get continued if it exists continued$=get(66,64,9) if continued$="CONTINUED" then continued$="Continued" \ else continued$=""
# remove single ! from line draw regions x=pos("!"=text$[16]); \ while x>0; text$[16](x,1)="",x=pos("!"=text$[16]);wend
x=pos("!"=text$[62]); \ while x>0; text$[62](x,1)="",x=pos("!"=text$[62]);wend
x=pos("!"=text$[64]); \ while x>0; text$[64](x,1)="",x=pos("!"=text$[64]);wend
The precopy code block is executed as each of the 4 copies are about to be printed. The logic here indicates the copies 1 and 2 are for pages that do not contain the word "CONTINUED" (remember the prepage code block?), and copies 3 and 4 do contain that word. By setting the variable skip to a non-zero value, the copy being processed is skipped. Only 1 of the 2 formats is printed, depending on the content of the page.
precopy { if copy=1 or copy=2 then if continued$="Continued" then skip=1 if copy=3 or copy=4 then if continued$<>"Continued" then skip=1 }
The following lines remove most of the existing character-mode line drawing elements from the input data. The hline and vline commands scan for places where at least the indicated number of characters, horizontally or vertically, occur on the page. The erase option removes them rather than replacing them with graphical lines.
#remove existing lines hline "--",erase hline "==",erase vline "!!",erase cerase 1,1,1,MAXROWS # erase all 1st column cerase MAXCOLS,1,MAXCOLS,MAXROWS # erase all last column
The following lines draw the page headings. Some of the commands are stored in another rule set, "Mrg Form Header", which is merged as the rule set is parsed. The headings already exist, and are moved and fonted with text commands using expressions, such as {cut(66,5,4,"")}.
# heading section const HFONT=univers,12 # headings cerase 1,1,MAXCOLS,10 cbox LEFTCOL,1,RIGHTCOL,MAXROWS,5 # complete page box merge "Mrg Form Header" # merge std hdr rules
# right top ribbon section const HFONT=univers,11,italic # headings const DFONT=cgtimes,11,bold # data # draw info box with internal grid and shading # horizontal line at 6 # vertical line at 68 with shading between 63 and 68 cbox 63,5,MAXCOLS,9,5,crows=7,ccols=68::20 text 64,6,{cut(66,5,4,"")},HFONT # page # text 64,8,{cut(59,7,4,"")},HFONT # date text 69,6,{trim(cut(71,5,3,""))},DFONT # page # text 69,8,{trim(cut(65,7,8,""))},DFONT # date
# customer section # draw info box with internal grid and shading # vertical line at 10 with shading between 1 and 10 cbox LEFTCOL,10,MAXCOLS,15,5,ccols=10::10 text 2,11,{cut(2,10,2,"")},HFONT # to text 4,13,{trim(cut(15,10,10,""))},DFONT # cust code cfont 12,11,MAXCOLS,14,DFONT # address
The detail section contains several columns of information. There are fewer detail lines on pages with the aging data, so the grid drawing is made specific to particular formats with "if copy 1,2" and "if copy 3,4" sections. Then two groups of font changes are used, first for the column headings and then for the data columns.
# detail section # detail headings # draw info box with internal grid and shading # horizontal line at 6 # vertical line at 68 with shading between 63 and 68 if copy 1,2 cbox LEFTCOL,15,MAXCOLS,56,5,crows=17::20, \ ccols=10 18 27 39 48 60 63 end if if copy 3,4 cbox LEFTCOL,15,MAXCOLS,61,5,crows=17::20, \ ccols=10 18 27 39 48 60 63 end if const ROW=16 cfont 2,ROW,9,ROW,HFONT,center # date cfont 11,ROW,17,ROW,HFONT # inv # cfont 19,ROW,26,ROW,HFONT,center # due date cfont 28,ROW,38,ROW,HFONT,right # due amt cfont 40,ROW,47,ROW,HFONT,center # pmt date cfont 49,ROW,59,ROW,HFONT,right # pmt amt cfont 61,ROW,62,ROW,HFONT,center # type cfont 64,ROW,MAXRCOLS,ROW,HFONT,right # balance # detail data const DFONT=cgtimes,11 # data cfont 2,18,9,60,DFONT,center # date cfont 11,18,17,60,DFONT # inv # cfont 19,18,26,60,DFONT,center # due date cfont 28,18,38,60,DFONT,right # due amt cfont 40,18,47,60,DFONT,center # pmt date cfont 49,18,59,60,DFONT,right # pmt amt cfont 61,18,62,60,DFONT,center # type cfont 64,18,MAXRCOLS,60,DFONT,right,BOLD # balance
A watermark prints the form title as large, lightly shaded text. Its position depends upon the format, hence the use of if copy blocks.
# watermark - large font with light shading and rotation if copy 1,2 text 39,56,{form_title$},cgtimes,75,shade 20,center, \ cols=MAXCOLS,rotate 90 end if if copy 3,4 text 44,61,{form_title$},cgtimes,85,shade 20,center, \ cols=MAXCOLS,rotate 90 end if
The footer section differs considerably between the two formats. Copies 1 and 2 are associated with pages that have aging data, so you see the fonting of the aging columns defined there. Copies 3 and 4 are printed when the word "CONTINUED" appears, and that word is printed below, though as the value stored in continued$ ("Continued").
# footer section # remarks if copy 1,2 cbox LEFTCOL,56,RIGHTCOL,61,5 cfont 2,57,MAXRCOLS,60,HFONT endif # totals const DFONT=cgtimes,11,bold # data if copy 1,2 cbox LEFTCOL,61,RIGHTCOL,64.5,5,crows=63::20, \ CCOLS=14 26 38 50 62 const ROW=62 cfont 1,ROW,13,ROW,HFONT,right # current cfont 15,ROW,25,ROW,HFONT,right # 1-15 cfont 27,ROW,37,ROW,HFONT,right # 16-30 cfont 39,ROW,49,ROW,HFONT,right # 31-45 cfont 51,ROW,61,ROW,HFONT,right # over 45 cfont 63,ROW,MAXRCOLS,ROW,HFONT,right,bold,12 # total due const ROW=64 cfont 1,ROW,13,ROW,DFONT,right # current cfont 15,ROW,25,ROW,DFONT,right # 1-15 cfont 27,ROW,37,ROW,DFONT,right # 16-30 cfont 39,ROW,49,ROW,DFONT,right # 31-45 cfont 51,ROW,61,ROW,DFONT,right # over 45 cfont 63,ROW,MAXRCOLS,ROW,DFONT,right,bold,12 # total due endif
if copy 3,4 cerase 1,62,MAXCOLS,66 text 1,65,{Continued$},HFONT,right,cols=MAXRCOLS endif
Finally, within the two formats are two physical copies. Each of these copies is either for the customer to keep or for the customer to return with their payment. Copy 1, the first page of format 1, and copy 3, the first page of format 2, get the "Customer Copy" footer. The others get the "Remittance Copy" footer.
# copy name section const ROW=65.5 if copy 1,3 text 1,ROW,"Customer Copy",HFONT,bold,center,cols=MAXCOLS end if if copy 2,4 text 1,ROW,"Remittance Copy",HFONT,bold,center,cols=MAXCOLS end if