Importing Documents from sdStor

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UnForm can import images from an sdStor library.  It performs this by extracting the text documents from the library and running them as UnForm jobs.  The import is performed for a single library, specified using the –arcimport option, which also allows specification of the sdStor login and password:


-arcimport "sdstor_libname;login/pswd"


The default UnForm library will match the path used for the sdStor library.  To override this default, add: -arclib "libname".


A few additional command line options are added automatically in order to:


Retain the original date and time of the sdStor document
Retain the title and keywords from sdStor
Add an additional keyword "sdstor sdStorID"
Add a category "sdstor|stStorID"


The keyword and category additions are provided to help link documents in sdStor with documents added via the import to an UnForm library.


For enhanced processing, specify a rule file using the –f rulefile option, and use archive commands in the rule file to provide the document settings desired.  When using a rule file, be sure to not specify a date and time, so the command line options that capture the date and time from sdStor will not be overridden.


The import is processed by extracting all the documents from the sdStor library and placing them in the rpq directory (the direct TCP/IP printing queue), where they are automatically processed sequentially.  As each document is added to the queue, a log line is printed to the command line’s output, so it is recommended that a –o option be used to send log output to a server file (don’t use the client: prefix on the output file), as imports can be time consuming.  The amount of time spent extracting to the queue, and the amount of time it takes for the queue to be processed, depends on the number and size of documents in the sdStor library.