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gs [yes | on | no | off]




The gs command can be used to control graphical shading.  The command by itself or followed by the words "yes" or "on" will turn on graphical shading.  Any other parameter value will turn graphical shading off, resulting in the highly efficient, though not as finely rendered, internal laser shade commands.  The –gs command line option can be used to specify graphical shading by default.


If dpi is set to 600 or above (and the printer supports 600 dpi printing), graphical shading is even more finely rendered.  Note that some faxing products that convert pcl code into low-density bitmaps provide more readable output without graphical shading.  You can selectively turn graphical shading on or off within "if copy" blocks.


Using the gs command will add approximately 2000 bytes of additional overhead to a job.




gs on


if copy 2

 gs off

 output {"|vfx –n " + faxnumber$ +" –F pcl"}

end if



Drivers: pcl only