DTC Rule Sets

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Desktop Client rule sets are similar to print job rule sets in many respects, but are limited in structure to a small number of commands.  Other commands are ignored.


DTC rule sets require three things: detection logic, button definitions, and a prejob code block that creates responses to buttons that are pressed by the user and data that is submitted from DTC.  Detection statements are used to specify which applications and/or window titles to monitor as focus changes between applications and windows on the user's workstation.  As the active window or application changes, different rule sets become active and an associated DTC application window will appear.  The contents of that window are controlled by other rule set commands: dtcbutton, dtchelpfile, and dtcpanel.  These commands are use to construct and present a user interface associated with a window or application.  The user can then copy, paste, or type data into the button text fields, and when a given button is pressed, the rule set is executed on the server, and the prejob code block is executed.


The syntax for the above mentioned rule set commands is as follows: