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cover "ruleset"|{expr} [, "rulefile"|{expr} [,"args"|{expr} ]]
Processes the named rule set (optionally in a different rule file) as a subjob, using the first page of text of the current job as the input stream. The resulting one page of output is used as an initial page of the main job. Both pcl and ps output will generate cover pages for each output file when the job is broken into multiple output designations. If arguments are specified, they are passed to the subjob, in addition to the -r/-f options named by the ruleset and rulefile options.
In addition to the cover command, the -cover command line argument, as well as the coverset$, coverfile$, and coverargs$ code block variables, can be used to generate cover pages. Also, setting nocover=1 in a code block will disable cover page generation. This can be used to turn off the effect of a -cover command line option.
This example will generate a cover page from the corpcover rule set in covers.rul, passing it a name and number parameter. The corpcover rule set could retrieve the name and number in a prejob code block, using prm("name") and prm("number").
cover "corpcover","covers.rul",{"-prm "+quo+"name="+name$+";number="+faxnum$+quo}