Adding UnForm-Generated Documents

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UnForm document archiving supports several methods for adding documents to libraries.  One of the most useful methods is via UnForm jobs themselves, through the use of command line arguments or an archive command in a rule set.  The benefit of this is that as jobs print and are formatted by UnForm, they can be automatically archived, eliminating the need to scan and archive reports using an external system.


Note: in order to be archived properly, jobs must be designed to successfully produce PDF output.  In particular, jobs that use a pcl attachment or pcl images, but do not provide for PDF versions of these, will not be formatted properly in the archive.


If any –arcxxx command line arguments pertaining to the archive command are used, such as –arclib or -arcdoctype, the options establish defaults for any archive command found, or initiate job archiving as if an archive command were included in the rule set.


For example, assume the uf90c command line includes these options:


-arclib "/archives/reports" –arcdoctype "Reports"


If a rule set contains an archive command, the above defaults will be overridden by the command’s options.  However, if a rule set does not contain an archive command, or if no rule set is selected, the job will be archived regardless, using the above library and document type (in this case using an auto-generated document ID).  This capability makes it easy to set up default archiving, with the ability to control archives on selected jobs with the addition of an archive command.


When UnForm archives a job, it evaluates the library, doctype, and docid elements of the archive command (or the values from the command line) page by page.  Whenever an element changes, a new document is generated.  In some cases, such as with hard coded command line options, these elements don’t change during the job, and the whole job is archived as a single document.  In other cases, an element such as a document ID might change as pages are processed, and a job can result in several documents being added to the archive.


UnForm documents can contain multiple versions or images, each identified with a sub ID.  When UnForm archives one of its jobs, it archives two versions of the document.  The first format is a PDF version of the document, which by default is given a sub ID of "@UnForm".  The second format is a text version, derived from the incoming text stream.  This is given a sub ID of "@text".


Archives generated from UnForm jobs receive automatic title and keywords if these values are not otherwise specified.  If no title is specified and no title command is used, then the default title is derived from the content of the incoming text.  Keyword generation is controlled with several parameters in the uf90d.ini file, including a maximum keyword count (keywords=n), a list of patterns to not archive (nonwords=file), and a list of characters to eliminate (nonchars=list).


If no document type is provided, then if a rule set is used for a job, its name is used as the document type.


The following command line arguments enable archiving and provide defaults for archive commands.


-arclib "libpath"

-arcdoctype "doctype"

-arcdocid "docid"

-arcsubid "subdoc ID"

-arcsubtitle "subdoc title"

-arctitle "title"

-arccats "cat1.1|cat1.2|cat1.3;cat2;cat3.1|cat3.2;..."

-arckeywords "kw1;kw2;..."

-arcnotes "notes (\n?)"

-arcargs "uf90c args for subjob"

-arcsep char  (separator for category segments - default is |)

-arcdtm yyyymmddhhmmss

-arcsubdtm yyyymmddhhmmss