Using the UnForm Client

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The UnForm clients, which include the Perl-based Unix client (uf100c), and the Windows client (uf100c.exe), can each perform document management functions via command line options.  In many cases, a login is required.  This can be supplied via the -arclogin option in the form "userid/password".  To secure this information so it does not appear on the command line, which may be visible to other users, it can be provided in a file referenced by the -z command line option (or -zx to immediately erase the file).


In addition, the Unix clients can prompt for login information by supplying the special syntax –arclogin ask, and/or this information can be stored.  If login information is not supplied, the Unix client will look in the files $HOME/.ufarc or /etc/.ufarc for two lines, login=userid and pswd=password.  These are stored in clear text, so the only effective security for this is to use user-specific .ufarc files (in $HOME) and make sure they are readable only by the user.

The windows client requires that the login information be supplied via the -arclogin "user/pass" option, directly or via the -z/-zx file options.