SIMPLE3 – add copies, barcode, watermark |
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This rule set adds copy handling, a watermark, and a barcode. To produce this sample, use this command:
uf100c –i sample1.txt –f simple.rul –r simple3 –p pdf –o client:simple3.pdf
A title header prefixes all rule sets, which is just a unique name enclosed in brackets. [simple3] # to use this rule set, you need to FORCE the rule set with the -r option # or remark (#) out the detect command in the rule sets above. # # This rule set takes the rule set above and improves it by adding # copies, watermark, and a barcode.
dsn_sample "sample1.txt" detect 61,5,"~../../.. ......." # invoice date and # detect 9,11,"~......" # customer code detect 10,21,"~../../.. ......" # ord date and cust code
cols 80 # max output columns rows 66 # max output rows
This rule set produces two copies of each page, with each copy sequentially produced as each page is read from the data stream. The pcopies command indicates this page-oriented copy production. There is also a copies command, which produces job-oriented copies for laser jobs. Note that PDF output always is produced as page-oriented copies, whether copies or pcopies is used.
# copies pcopies 2
# header section cbox .5,.5,80.5,66.5,5 image 1,1,12,6,"sdsilogo.pcl" text 1,2,"Company Name",univers,14,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,3,"Company Address\nCompany City, St Zipcode\nCompany Phone",univers,12,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,6,"Web:\nEmail:",univers,11,bold,center,cols=79 text 1,2,"INVOICE",univers,16,bold,right,cols=79
# invoice # section cbox 67,4,80.5,10,1,crows=6 8,ccols=74::20 text 68,5,"Date",univers,italic,10 text 68,7,"Invoice",univers,italic,10 text 68,9,"Page #",univers,italic,10 # cut data from old position and place in new text 75,5,{cut(61,5,8,"")},cgtimes,bold,10 text 75,7,{cut(71,5,7,"")},cgtimes,bold,10 text 75,9,{cut(79,5,2,"")},cgtimes,bold,10
# bill to / ship to section cbox .5,10,80.5,18.5,5,ccols=7::20 43.5 50::20 text 2,12,"Sold To",cgtimes,italic,10,center,cols=5 cfont 8,11,40,11,cgtimes,bold,10,left cfont 8,12,40,15,cgtimes,bold,10 # sold to address text 45,12,"Ship To",cgtimes,italic,10,center,cols=5 cfont 51,11,80,11,cgtimes,bold,10,left text 51,12,{mcut(51,12,30,4,"","Y","Y")},cgtimes,bold,10
# ribbon section cbox .5,18.5,80.5,22.5,5,crows=20.5::20,ccols=9 18 25 65 # special internal grid in ribbon box cbox 29,18.5,65,21.5 cbox 42,18.5,56,21.5 text 1,19,"Order\nNumber",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 10,19,"Order\nDate",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 19,19,"Cust.\nNumber",univers,italic,10,center,cols=6 text 26,19,"Sls\nPrs",univers,italic,10,center,cols=3 text 30,19,"Purchase\nOrder No.",univers,italic,10,center,cols=12 text 43,19,"\nShip Via",univers,italic,10,center,cols=13 text 57,19,"Ship\nDate",univers,italic,10,center,cols=8 text 66,19,"\nTerms",univers,italic,10,center,cols=14
cfont 1,21,8,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # order # cfont 10,21,17,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # order date cfont 19,21,24,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # cust # cfont 26,21,28,21,cgtimes,bold,10,left # sls prs code cfont 26,22,64,22,cgtimes,bold,10,left # sls prs name cfont 30,21,41,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # po # cfont 43,21,55,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # ship via cfont 57,21,64,21,cgtimes,bold,10,center # ship date cfont 66,21,80,22,cgtimes,10,center # terms
# detail section cbox .5,22.5,80.5,56.5,5,crows=24.5::10,ccols=5 10 16 51 55 67 text 1,23,"Qty\nOrd",univers,italic,10,right,cols=4 text 6,23,"Qty\nShip",univers,italic,10,right,cols=4 text 11,23,"Qty\nBkord",univers,10,italic,right,cols=4 text 17,23,"\nItem & Description",univers,italic,10 text 52,23,"\nU/M",univers,italic,10,center,cols=3 text 56,23,"Unit\nPrice",univers,italic,10,right,cols=11 text 68,23,"Extended\nPrice",univers,italic,10,right,cols=12
cfont 1,25,4,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty ord cfont 6,25,9,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty shipped cfont 11,25,15,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # qty b/o cfont 17,25,50,56,cgtimes,10,left # item # & desc cfont 52,25,54,56,cgtimes,10,bold,center # u/m cfont 56,25,66,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # unit price cfont 68,25,79,56,cgtimes,10,bold,right # extended
# memo section font " @1,25,4,56",17,0,60,1,cgtimes,10,left
This text line adds a large text watermark on line 56, centered horizontally. The text is printed in cgtimes, 120 point, with 10% shading applied. . # watermark text 1,56,"INVOICE",cgtimes,120,shade=10,center,cols=80,fit
# footer section cbox 57,57,80.5,65,crows=59 63,ccols=67::20 text 58,58,"Sales Amt",univers,11 cfont 58,60,66,60,univers,11,left text 58,61,"Sales Tax",univers,11 text 58,62,"Freight",univers,11 text 58,64.25,"TOTAL",univers,bold,14 cfont 68,58,79,65,cgtimes,bold,right,14 # totals
The barcode command can be used to add barcodes in many symbologies. It is similar to other commands, in that you provide a column, row, and value. In addition, you specify a symbology (400 is Code 3 of 9), a point size or pixel height (14.0, being a decimal rather than integer value, is treated as point size), and a bar spacing value in pixels. Like most commands, you can use expressions in the value element of the command. In this example, the data stream data from column 9, row 11, for 6 characters is used on each page, using the get() function within an expression.
text 2,58,"Customer code as 3 of 9 barcode",univers,italic,10 barcode 2,58.67,{get(9,11,6)},400,14.0,4
The following lines produce different output for each of the two copies. Copy 1 is labeled with a text command to say it is the "Customer Copy", while copy 2 is labeled as "Accounting Copy". Any commands outside of 'if copy' blocks are applied to all copies.
# copy name section if copy 1 text 1,65.5,"Customer Copy",univers,12,bold,center,cols=80 end if if copy 2 text 1,65.5,"Accounting Copy",univers,12,bold,center,cols=80 end if