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The marked records object provides interaction with a browser sessions' marked records.  A list of marked records is typically selected manually by the user while browsing document, and is maintained during the life of the user's browser session.  The marked object allows adding to, deleting from, and navigating through the list of marked records.


A "marked" object is typically used in custom browser forms, when a user has marked one or more records and a related form rule set is designed to process that list.  In addition, such a rule set can add or remove items from the marked record list.  For example, it would be possible for a user to mark one record, then execute a form that would locate related documents and mark them as well.



sesid$ is a read-only value that returns the current session ID for the browser interface user.



add(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) adds a record to the marked records list.  Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not (for example, if the record already exists in the list).

count() returns the number of records in the session's marked records list.

delete(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) removes the record from the session's marked records.  Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.

getmarked$() returns a list of all marked records as a string.  The string is structured with linefeed ($0A$) delimited records, and tab ($09$) delimited fields.  Each record consists of the library, doctype, doc ID, and sub ID fields.

movefirst(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) fills the four arguments with values from the first marked record.  The list is sorted in library, doc type, doc ID, and sub ID order.

movelast(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) fills the four arguments with values from the last marked record.

movenext(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) fills the four arguments from the next marked record in sequence.  Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not (such as at the end of the list).

moveprev(library$,doctype$,docid$,subid$) fills the four arguments from the previous marked record in sequence.  Returns 1 if successful, 0 if not.

moveto(library$[,doctype$[,docid$[,subid$]]]) moves the record position based on the values provided.  Subsequent movenext and moveprev methods will be relative to this location.