Error Codes

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Error Codes

When code is executed, any errors that are not handled by err=label branches are reported as warnings on a job trailer page.  High error code numbers are used to report errors in client-server communication.  Common error codes are shown in the following table.


Error Number



End of record error, which may occur on a buffered disk write operation if the data is too long for the record buffer.  This error is rare in UnForm jobs, but could occur if output is being printed to a printer alias defined in the config.unf file.


End of file, which may indicate a disk full message, or a file that is too large for the operating system to handle.


An invalid file name was given.


A missing key on a keyed read operation, or a duplicate key on a keyed write operation with a DOM= option.


A missing file error on a file open operation, or a duplicate file error on a file creation operation.


Normally a file permission error.


A file channel conflict or locking conflict error.


Out of resources, such as file handles.  If this error occurs, it is often due to opening too many files.  This can easily occur if files are opened but not closed in a loop or call construct.


Normally a file or directory permission error.


Syntax error.  Common causes include mismatched parentheses, incorrect spelling of verbs or functions, or missing or incorrect function arguments.

21 or 25

Missing statement, as referenced in an ERR=label, or a goto or gosub branch.


Missing GBL/STBL variable name, or missing string template variable.


String/Number mismatch, where a string variable or literal is used where a number is expected, or visa versa.


Stack error, such as a return without a gosub, or a wend without a while.


For/Next error, such as executing a next without an associated for.


Mnemonic error.  Mnemonics are pre-defined codes inside single quotes, such as 'FF' or 'LF'.  Therefore, single quotes are not valid as string literal indicators; only double quotes are.


Corrupt program, which indicates that UnForm itself is probably corrupted, unless this error occurs on a call statement referencing an external program.


Out of memory.


Out of memory.


Mismatched arguments on a call statement.


Numeric overflow, normally caused by a divide by zero.


An integer overflow or range error.  Some functions require integer arguments, so a floating point number will cause this error.  Also, some functions require integer arguments to fall in a certain range, and this error will occur if the function is given a value outside of the valid range.


Array subscript error.


Masking error.


String length error.


Substring error, such as a starting position of 0 or a length greater than the length of the string.


When running in evaluation mode, there is a limit of 5,000 records in data files. The error occurs when trying to write too many records to a file.  An evaluation version can still read records from larger files, but cannot modify them.  To prevent the error, production versions of UnForm must run under a non-evaluation license.


The client's authkey value does not match the server's.


The client's IP address is not in the server's list of valid addresses.  To correct this problem, the allow= line in the server's uf100d.ini file must be modified to match the network addresses in use, and the uf100d server restarted.


The maximum number of concurrent jobs licensed was exceeded.


The server was unable to start the secondary process to handle the job within the allotted time of 30 seconds.  Possible causes include a sluggish server and network problems, such as a DNS server timeout.


The Windows uf100c.exe client can report this error if the network connection to the server is too slow.


The Windows uf100c.exe client can report this error if the server is not running or a firewall is blocking the primary listening port.