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DTCButton "title" [,style clipboard|nbclipboard|text|nbtext|button|title|nbtitle] [,args "job arguments"] [,width chars] [,match "regex"] [,library "name"] [,doctype "value"] [,parsevalue ["ruleset"]]


The DTCbutton command is interpreted by DTC for presentation and action upon click.  Note that expressions are not supported, only literal values.



This optional argument defines the style of the button provided to the user.  The default style is "clipboard".



Provides a text box and a small submit button, and monitors the clipboard for changes to place text in the text box.


Provides a text box, but no submit button.  It monitors the clipboard for changes to place in the text box.


Provides a text box and a small submit button.  This is intended for simple user entry.


Provides a text box, but no submit button.


Provides a submit button with the title as the button caption.


Provides a text box and a small submit button, and monitors the window title for changes to place in the text box.


Provides a text box, but no submit button.  It monitors the window title for changes to place in the text box.



Options passed to the to the UnForm job running the rule set.  There are automatic rule file and rule set arguments (-f and –r, respectively) to ensure the rule set with the button configuration is the one executed when a submission takes place.



This defines the width of the button, in nominal characters.  Without a width, the title width is used.  Use this to ensure consistent widths when multiple buttons are presented.



The match option is honored by the clipboard and nbclipboard styles.  The clipboard value must match the specified regular expression in order to be pasted into the text field.


Library, Doctype

These two options in tandem are honored by the clipboard and nbclipboard styles.  The clipboard value must be a valid document ID within the library and doctype specified in order to be pasted into the text field.



If this option is present, the value from the clipboard or window title is sent to the server for parsing.  The server will run the current rule set or the optionally specified one, and use the value returned from the server in cgiresponse$ in place of the clipboard or title value.  The rule set receives cgi.button$, cgi.panel$, and cgi.parsevalue$ when the request is sent.