Archive Options

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-arcargs "args"

Sets the default archiving subjob options.  When archives are written via UnForm jobs (as opposed to the –arcput option), a PDF file is generated as a subjob while the UnForm job is processed.  The subjob may require UnForm command line options to run properly.  This option sets those options.  The archive command can also set options.

-arccats "cats"

-arccategories "cats"

Sets the archive document category indexes for document writing.  There can be any number of semi-colon delimited categories, with each category supporting up to three pipe-delimited levels. Each level can be up to 20 characters long.  A different character than the pipe can be use by specifying a –arcsep option.  Generally this option must be enclosed in quotes to protect semi-colons, pipes, and spaces in the command line.  The format structure is this:



-arccount n

Specifies the maximum number of records to return in some -arclist* options.  Useful along with -arcfirst to return pages of information to scripts.


Triggers removal of an archive image or document, honoring the options for -arclib, -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, -arcsubid.  Delete access to the library is required for the –arclogin user.  If a –arcsubid is supplied, then just that image is removed.  If no –arcsubid is supplied, then the document record and all sub-images are removed.

-arcdocdata "name=value"

Sets a name-value pair for updating doc data values, or for searching.  Multiple pairs can be separated by semicolons, or multiple -arcdocdata options can be specified.

-arcdocid "docID"

Sets the archive document ID for document writing or retrieval.

-arcdoctype "doctype"

Sets the archive document type for document writing or retrieval.

-arcdtm "ymddate"

-arcdate "ymddate"

Sets the archive document date for document writing to the date specified.  Normally this value is calculated automatically.  The date supplied must be in the format yyyymmddhhmmss, with the first 8 characters required.

-arcdtmupdated "ymddate"

-arcdateupdated "ymddate"

Used with the –arcsearch command to filter the date/time updated.  Setting this does not affect the date updated stamp when writing archive records.

-arcend "end"

Specifies an ending point for –arclist and –arclistdocs options, allowing for a range a range of documents to be returned.  The ending point should logically be associated with the order specified in the –arcorder option.  If the order is "category", then end can contain pipe separators to indicate category level breaks.  If the order is "docdata", then a docdata name can be supplied.

-arcentityid "entityid"

-arcentid "entityid"

Sets the entity ID for document writing, either the default for UnForm jobs or the value for direct (-arcput) document writing.


Returns a 1 (found) or 0 (not found) plus a CRLF to the output device, typically –o client:filename, based on testing the existence of -arclib, -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, and –arcsubid options.  This option does not require a login.  The number of options supplied determines the test performed, from simply testing for library existence, to looking for any documents of a specified document type, to testing for a specific document ID, then finally image sub ID.

-arcfilter "filter"

Specifies a filter string to apply to the –arclist and –arclistdocs options.  This filter applies to all elements of the document, including title, keywords, and categories.  If the filter starts with a tilde (~), the remaining characters are interpreted as a regular expression.  Otherwise, wildcard characters * and ? are supported for matching any characters or any single character.

-arcfirst n

Used by certain -arclist* options, typically along with -arccount, to return a portion of results.  Useful when designing scripts to return pages of information.

-arcflowid "flowid"

Can be specified during a -arcput operation, so that after the image has been added to the library, a DocFlow is started in the specified flow ID.


Triggers retrieval of an archive image, honoring the options for -arclib, -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, -arcsubid, and -o.  Read access to the library is required for the –arclogin user.

-arcimport "from lib"

Used to import a library from a previous version of UnForm, or an sdStor library.

-arckeywords "kwds"

Sets the archive document keywords for document writing.  There can be any number of semi-colon delimited list of words or phrases.  If none is set, then documents inserted by UnForm jobs (as opposed to those written via a –arcput option) will have a configurable number of unique keywords generated automatically from input file content.  Generally this option must be enclosed in quotes to protect semi-colons and spaces in the command line.  The format structure is this:



-arclib "libpath"

Sets the archive library path for document writing or retrieval.

-arclink "links"

-arclinks "links"

Sets the archive document links, which is a semi-colon delimited list of links to web documents, either external or other archive documents.  Each link in the list can be in one of the following formats:


A full URL, optionally matching a URL used to load a document or image from a library, or a URL to an outside page or document. This structure, if it begins with http:// or ftp://, can be prefixed with a title in the format of title=URL.  If the title is specified, that becomes the visible link in the browser.
A simplified pipe-delimited structure of library|doctype|docid[|subid], which is displayed in the browser interface as a URL link to the document or image named by library, document type, document ID, and optionally image sub ID.


There can be any number of links in the list.


Triggers a listing of archives, honoring the options for –arclib, -arclistfmt, -arcorder, -­arcstart, -arcend, and -arcfilter.  This listing displays the document archives, but not the image sub ID’s.  Use the -arclistdocs for this additional information.  The -o option can be used to send the results to a file.


List category segments in a library, honoring the -arcstart option to provide segment seeds, and -arcfirst and -arccount options to limit results.


Triggers a listing of archives and image sub ID’s, honoring the options for -arclib, -arclistfmt, -arcorder, -­arcstart, -arcend, and -arcfilter.  This listing displays the document archives plus their associated images. The -o option can be used to send the results to a file.


Lists keywords in the library, honoring -arcstart to start the list at a certain position, and the -arcfirst and -arccount options to limit results.


Lists keyword segments, such as those starting with "a" or "ab", honoring the -arcstart option to specify the starting prefix, and the -arcfirst and -arccount options to limit results.


Triggers a listing of document types in the library specified with an associated –arclib option.  The –o option can be used to send the results to a file.  A -arclogin is typically required.  The listing is a single text column of values, one document type per line.

-arclistfmt fmt

Sets the format for -arclist and -arclistdocs.  It must be one of the following: tab, csv, pipe, html[:stylesheet], or xml|xmlf[:stylesheet].


If the format is xml, a XSLT stylesheet can be referenced by URL with a colon suffix: "xml:".  Likewise, if the format is html, a CSS stylesheet URL can be referenced with a colon suffix: "html:".  An alternate format, "xmlw3c:stylesheet" can be used to generate the header type= tag as "application/xsl" rather than "text/xsl".


If stylesheets are specified, the application that views are parses the document must have access to the specified stylesheet.


If the format is xmlf, then a base64-encoded version of the image file is included with the xml output.




Triggers a listing of libraries, including path, description, creation date, and default permissions.  This list returns libraries that are readable by the user specified with the -arclogin option.  Alternate options return libraries with read/write access, or full access.

-arclogin "userid/pswd" | ask

Sets the login user ID and password (they must be separated by a slash - /) for the command.  Logins are required for many archive command line operations.  Under some circumstances, login information can be read from files.  See the Document Archiving and Management chapter for more details.


Optionally, enter the word "ask" and the client will prompt for the login information. Note the Windows console client will not suppress user input when prompting.  The Unix client does suppress display of input.

-arcnotes "notes"

Sets the archive document notes for document writing.  To force line breaks, insert \n mnemonic character sequences.

-arcorder order

Sets the order of the lists retrieved by the –arclist and –arclistdocs options.  The order must be one of the following: id, date, title, docdata, or category.  The default order is id.


Triggers writing of a file directly to a library, bypassing UnForm processing of the input file.  The option requires values for -arclib, -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, -arcsubid, and -i, and supports the archive property setting options such as -arctitle, -arckeyword, etc.   Review the archiving chapter for more details.

-arcsep char

Sets the separator character for category levels to char.  The default is |.


Triggers a search to be performed, in conjunction with the -arclib, -arcdoctype, -arcdocid, -arctitle, -arcentityid, -arcdate, -arckeywords, -arcnotes, -arccats, -arclinks, -arctext, -arcsubid, and -arcdocdata option(s).  The search results are sent to the –o output file.  The format of the results is controlled by the -arclistfmt option.


Identical in function to –arcsearch, except that image sub ID information is additionally returned.

-arcserver "name[:port]"

Sets an archive server name and optional port for archive commands.  This overrides the server= entry the [archive] section in uf100d.ini. An archive command can also specify a ,server option, which has the highest priority.

-arcstart "start"

Specifies a starting point for –arclist and –arclistdocs options, allowing for a range a range of documents to be returned.  The starting point should logically be associated with the order specified in the –arcorder option.  If the order is "category", then start can contain pipe separators to indicate category level breaks.  If the order is "docdata", then a docdata name can be supplied.

-arcsubdtm "ymddate"

Sets the archive document image sub ID date for document writing to the date specified.  Normally this value is calculated automatically.  The date supplied must be in the format yyyymmddhhmmss, with the first 8 characters required.

-arcsubid "sub ID"

Sets the archive document image sub ID for document writing or retrieval.  When used in conjunction with –arcget, you can use two special suffixes, "-<" and "->", to return the first or last sub ID that matches the sub ID string.  For example, a value of "@UnForm->" would return the last sequential @UnForm sub ID in an auto-sequenced library.  Escape the suffix as "\->" to look for the literal value.

-arcsubtitle "title"

Sets the archive document image sub ID title for document writing.

-arctextdata "value"

Used in conjunction with the –arcsearch option to search text image data, archived with @text sub IDs, for the value supplied.

-arctitle "title"

Sets the archive document title for document writing.