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Before uninstalling, be sure to copy any important files, such as rule files, archive libraries, and images.  Every installation is unique, so be sure to identify and copy all such files before removing the installation directory.


To uninstall UnForm on a Unix or Linux system:


You can run ./uninstall.sh as root from the UnForm installation directory, or perform these steps:


Stop the server if it is running (uf101d stop)
Remove the install directory (rm -rf /usr/local/unform for example)
Remove the /usr/bin/uf101c and /usr/bin/uf101d scripts
If the server is being started automatically by an entry in /etc/init.d, /etc/rc*.d, /etc/inittab, or systemd, remove such entries.


Note the original install process may have installed third party tools, such as Image Magick.  These tools are not automatically removed by the uninstall.sh script.