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The rpq.ini file can be used to configure handling of the rpq directory, which is a spool of jobs that have been submitted for print processing.  Jobs can arrive in this queue via TCP/IP printing, or -async/-asyncrpq uf101c options, or through custom processing.


Queue Processing

The rpq directory contains file sets with common base names.  There are always at least two files per submission, with .in and .cmd extensions.  The .in file is the input for the job, used as a -i filename option when submitting, and the .cmd contains uf101c command line arguments, other than -i and -e options, which are handled internally by the queue processor.


As jobs are submitted for processing, if an error occurs a .err file is created containing an error message.  Each time a non-license count error occurs, a .rty file is also maintained to track how many times the error occurred.  Once this file reaches a threshold defined in uf101d.ini as "tcpportretry", the error is assumed to be permanent with no further attempts to submit the job.  The files remain in queue for up to 30 days, and if the error message found in the .err file can be corrected, removing the .rty file enables submission to occur again.


Job Priority

It is possible to set some jobs to high or low priority, in addition to the default medium priority.  Jobs with high priority are processed before other jobs, and those set with low priority are processed after other jobs.  This can be done explicitly via uf101c command line options, or implicitly via three sections in the rpq.ini file.


Explicit priority is set with the -priority 1|2|3|high|medium|low command line option.


-priority 1 or -priority high will set the submitted job to the highest priority.
-priority 2 or -priority medium, or no -priority option, will set the submitted job to medium priority
-priority 3 or -priority low will set the submitted job to the lowest priority.


You can also define content matching for priorities in the rpq.ini file.  Add lines to the [high], [medium], and [low] sections as required.  If the initial block of the input file (defined by blocksize=n in the rpq.ini [default] section) matches any line in a section, the job is given the associated priority.  When PDF files are submitted, text content from the first page is used, as a sequence of space-separated words, in place of a raw data block.


For example, this section would process jobs with PICK TICKET or an xml element <docid> with content of "counter sale " and digits as high priority:




~<docid>counter sale \d+</docid>


Regular expression matches are defined with a ~ prefix.  Regular expression patterns are not case-sensitive.