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Stamps are images that can be placed on a docflow document by users who are editing the document through the document's lifetime in the flow.  A library of stamps is created by adding JPG or PNG image files to the df/stamps directory.  These image should be sized as they are to be used, typically large enough to be obvious on a page image, but small enough to be placed without obscuring other information.


Any flow definition can enable stamps, and once enabled, the flow editor can select which stamps should be available for that flow.


On the main image of documents in that flow, users can select a stamp and move it into an appropriate position and page.  Any number of stamps can be added to the image, and existing stamps can be removed by clicking the stamp's upper-right corner 'X'.  Additions and deletions of stamps are logged in the flow's log.


Two sample images, approved.png and denied.jpg, are provided in the df directory, and can be copied to df/stamps to enable testing.  The user should supply any other stamp images as needed.