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The uf101c.ini file can be used to configure the client, both standalone and the client included with the server.  Most entries can be overridden by command line options, so these values are only used as defaults.  On Linux, the uf101c.ini file is located in the client install path (where is).  On Windows, it is found in %PROGRAMDATA%\SDSI, typically C:\ProgramData\SDSI.


Alternatively on Windows, if the uf101c.ini file is not found in the standard local path, the client will look instead in the executable path.  This enables configurations where the client is run across a network, and is not installed on local PC's.


The uf101c.ini file looks like this:

















Change the server= line to point to the server host name or IP address, and the port line to the proper listening port configured in the server's uf101d.ini file.  The port default is 27400 and will not normally be changed.  Note that the server and port can also be specified on the uf101c command line.  The values entered here serve as defaults.


If you want uf101c to log submission errors, uncomment the logfile= line, setting the value to a log file name.  This log will accumulate over time, so should be periodically cleared.  Note that individual job errors can be captured with the -e filename command line option.  This log is simply an accumulation of messages that would normally go to the error file or the standard error handle.


If you want uf101c to email (using the Linux mail command) error messages to an administrator, uncomment the mailto= line, setting the value to an email address available from the client computer.  Note that the Windows client does not support emailing of error messages.


The retry and wait lines set the number of times, and delay between tries, that the client will attempt to connect to the server before giving up.  If any retries are needed, and the log file is specified, then a message will be logged.


The ssl setting, if 1, will cause the client to connect to the server using ssl.  The server must be configured to listen using ssl.  Both server and client must have matching settings.


The cmptrans setting controls whether or not the client will communicate to the server using zlib compression.  This can improve performance over low bandwidth connections.


The authkey setting must match whatever the server's authkey setting is, even if null.


The minavail setting is used when specifying multiple servers when submitting a job, in a load balancing environment.  The first server with at least minavail job slots available is chosen.  If this setting is 0, then if all servers have active jobs, the one with the least active jobs as a proportion of their license count is chosen.


The failhist setting sets the number of days that job failures are stored at the client.  This number must be 1 or higher for failures to be stored, and the fail history queue is purged of directories over this many days old.


On Windows, the home= setting is created during installation.  It is used by the uf101c.exe client to locate the uf101cc.exe console client, which performs the actual communication with the UnForm server.


Also on Windows, if you have ActiveState or Strawberry Perl installed, you can instruct uf101c.exe to run the perl script as a console client, by creating a perl=path line that points to the perl interpreter executable.  This setting is optional, as the uf101cc\uf101cc.exe program contains perl, but there may be a small launch performance benefit to running the script via an interpreter directly.